must - just - be - the - colors

2004-05-05 - 9:26 a.m.

dear diary,

so like, my life is a mess right now.

ok i totally lied.

my life is boring as fuck. the most excitement i get here is like, cruising random yahoo chat rooms and talking to swedish boys.

for reals.

i haven't slept in almost two days straight. i'm depressed about having to look for a job. i'm wearing huge gold hoop earrings and pajamas. that's how fuckin bored i am.

oh. and my back hurts. but w/e. i can't stop listening to metric and iron and wine and ... billy joel. i know. wtf is wrong with me :(

heart attack ack ack ack ack

school ends next monday and i'm sad for it. is that lame? where else am i gonna talk to people face to face in real life?

i need: some friends, some money, a new back, a shit load of money, really just like one real life friend would be good, and...

omg. i forgot a good story. i went to best buy [because i'm a corporate slut and iowa sucks] to buy the new modest mouse [i know, wth am i right?] and there was a BOY working there and he FLIRTED with me and then he STALKED me. and it was nice. but i ran and waited in the car and waited for les husbou to come out because i might be 26 years old but boys still scare me.

even though i'm married.

that totally doesn't count though.

waxing - waning