must - just - be - the - colors

2004-04-10 - 6:08 a.m.

dear diary,

this is the most fucked up, and therefore outstanding, thing i've ever played with.

so far i've made my chicken slave pantomime taking a dump, fucking a couch cushion, grabbing his balls, pecking the television, talking, doing backflips, and masturbating extraneously all over the room.


"what do you want the chicken to do? he'll do anything."

"make him do his taxes."

"remind me again why i married you?"


"why is that kid wearing a trench coat while riding a bike?"

"let's call him blacky bikersons."

"that's totally nucking futs."


"yeah, i said nucking futs. shut up."


"stop staring at me."



"hey there's another guy on a bike!"

"let's call this one whitey bikersons."

"that's totally nuc..."

"stop it."


things i forgot to add today: we went to P lake and i found this awesomely grandiose tree branch that had fallen and had a bunch of little branches at the end of it, kind of like a cat-o-nine-tails. it was a good seven feet long. i followed les husbou on the trail and spent a good twenty minutes whipping his calves and ears while remaining a good seven feet back from him.

the tree branch would whistle through the air so he knew it was coming but i caught him a couple of good ones.

also, i found a switchblade.

so i opened it up a whole bunch of times and threatened to "do him in" and "cut him good" ala the outsiders style.

he wasn't too pleased with me today.


"stop pointing that thing at me."

"i want to blade you."

"you know nobody says that right?"

"well, they should."


ps: wtf all of a sudden i like postal service now? when did that happen?

waxing - waning