must - just - be - the - colors

2004-02-04 - 11:05 a.m.

dear diary,

i have one cigarette left.

the buddha would say that it doesn't matter.

he'd also say, "you really fucked up that test last night, lauren."

and i'd say "i take refuge in the buddha, and getting C's on tests."

and that's how that would go.


i'm really into these asteriks lately, it's like a nice way of dividing up my thoughts into categories.

i want to get a haircut but i'm at this in between stage of: do i let my bangs grow out? or hack at them until they look like bird wings?

i need to venture out in this weather and get my taxes done, possibly find a pair of overalls, and maybe buy a book.

don't get your hopes up, it's more likely that i'll sit in this chair all day in pajamas and listen to the innocence mission and convince myself to brush my teeth.

except i just remembered i'm all out of toilet paper and that probably will make me get dressed and leave the house.


waxing - waning