must - just - be - the - colors

2003-12-04 - 1:29 a.m.

dear diary,

did i forget to tell you that my mom was not impressed with the confederate flag as a housewarming present?

i met my second cousin who is a strapping young buck all of 18 and has lived in new jersey his entire life.

needless to say i spent a good amount of time convincing him that iowa is not a foreign hillbilly midwestern state.

so, i lied.

it's definitely strange having a strong sense of self in a state that i have nothing in common with. and i probably talked about fishing more than anyone wanted to really hear.

but i still kind of get off at shocking my mom. it's that thrill that you get when the woman that raised you realizes she doesn't really know you at all.

maybe that's the part that makes those visits so complicated though.

so if it isn't obvious, i'm still living in last week. i haven't really come to terms with this week yet, as most of my time is being wasted on malaise and kleenexes.

does this officially count as holiday blues?

get the rope.

waxing - waning