must - just - be - the - colors

2003-12-01 - 2:58 p.m.

dear diary,

ok so i'm getting back into my normal slash boring routine. what i liked best about visiting north carolina was that i didn't have to worry or do anything. someone else took care to feed me, make my bed, do my laundry. i didn't have to worry about bills or notice the layer of dust covering everything i own. if there was a way to be a house guest for the rest of my life i might be inclined to do it.

but i'm back home now where the house is chachki messy and dusty and i remembered i have class tonight but can't make myself get excited about going. there are only three more weeks left of school and for that i am grateful.

colleges are vying for my attention like i'm a southern belle and i just wave my fan, sip my mint juleps and get attacks of the vapors everytime i open the packages they're sending me. i like having gentlemen callers. i'm trying not to think about how much this school is going to cost and i'm trying not to think about the transcripts that are still NOT here [i hate you california mail system] despite the fact that i paid extra money to put a "rush" order on them.

i bought a picture of a man wearing a rifle and a gun belt in north carolina. it is black and white and his name is on the back of the photo. i spent embarassing amounts of time today trying to find out who he is. or, was.

it feels better than studying or unpacking anyway.

waxing - waning