must - just - be - the - colors

2003-08-29 - 3:44 p.m.

dear diary,

jumping jesus on a pogo stick!

i leave you alone for one day and all of your little friends update like hookers on crank.

can i do some blow off yer ass, diary?

i went to another history class last night, despite my better intentions. here is what i've discovered within the past two days...

history eats a bag of dicks.

seriously. don't make me a write a 15 page paper on an "idea" that is "new" and "fresh" - or did we forget the definition of history?

meanwhile the OTHER history teachers wants a journal, filled with "creative" and "fresh" ideas. the example he gave was...

if you were 14 years old, and male, would you journey to the indies* with columbus?

*yeah i'll fuckin footnote right in the middle of the godamned entry, blow me. anyway as you may know, christopher "syphillus" columbus wasn't actually planning on finding land on his route to the indies. word?

maybe i'm just old, or maybe i'm just too bitter or too busy or too whatever. but like, effort.

i don't want to put effort into this shit, i just want to learn me up some dates and happenings etc and let me take a multiple choice test and give me a fuckin A bro.

and by bro i mean nazi teachers that don't care that you've bought the wrong book and can't make it to a bookstore even though three chapters and their outlines are due next week which leaves you 4 hours on a tuesday night to hustle your ass for a class you hate.

i need to get laid. does it show?

waxing - waning