must - just - be - the - colors

2004-07-21 - 2:10 p.m.

dear diary,

"are my gums supposed to feel like someone just poured hydrochloric acid all over them and then squirted lemon juice into the open sores?"

"probably not."

"it tingles!"


"i don't swim in anything where the water is a) brown b) smelly or where the bottom of the floor is c) muddy or d) indecipherable"


"i think those cherries gave me a corner mouth herpe."


"can you die from eating a pound of cherries?"

"i will fucking kill you if you fart into that fan one more time."

"does it smell like a cherry though?"

"i hate you."


"warm water makes my bladder all giddy."


"teenage boys swim in the "sleu" out here - it's lime quarry run off. and no, that's not slang for my vagina slime."

"... did you just say vagina slime to your mother?"

"yeah. shh i'm on the phone."


"you know that part in tidalwave where he says 'take me down when you're wide?'"

"uh, that's not how it goes."

"oh. nevermind then."


"you know how aisha was the girl that they never had?"


"why would a nine year old be fucking anyway?"


"i got the new sonic youth."

"i'd rather listen to holopaw."

"well... i'd rather..."



waxing - waning