must - just - be - the - colors

2003-11-24 - 12:37 p.m.

dear diary,

the stranger dog is still here.

the friend from california has generously volunteered to take care of him while we're away, along with his dog, and our dog.

it's good training if he ever plans to be a circus ringleader.

because one humpy male pitbull plus one insane female pitbull plus one fat and grumpy neutered male beagle = hella good times.

my mother called and said "bring a bathing suit" as i was looking out the window at the snow.

i've been waiting for this vacation for a long time. i'm just so ready.

the boy-toy will finally meet the rest of the insane family once and for all. i feel like i should prepare him or give him crib notes on how to behave, which fork to use, which tie to wear, and dumbing up the midwestern routine as people are apt to want to see that part of you - to the point where they expect you to fumble over words and blush and kick the dirt with a "golly gee i just don't know about this big city traffic."

once in awhile i play into those midwest stereotypes for my own amusement- feeling like i have some enormous secret of the spirit of the TRUE midwest, and maybe in some form or another i do. there is inherent beauty in corn fields, but how do you express that without sounding like an asshole? and isn't the point of a midwest secret to make yourself feel better than the rest of the world?

what? yes it does keep me warm at night, thank you very much diary!

so they can bring their obvious notions with them and lay them out in front of me and i can casually mention slavery at the dinner table and beg to hear about the state's illustrious past, because i'm passive agressive like that.

do you think a confederate flag would be a good house warming present to bring to my mom?

i think so, too.

waxing - waning