must - just - be - the - colors

2003-10-21 - 12:51 p.m.

dear diary,

so i've been trying to maintain despite some of the chronic pain that is coming back. my back started hurting again.

which ordinarily wouldn't be a big deal except that i just had back surgery last march so i'm a little skittish about pain. it's also really hard for me to use the word skittish and not think of a pony.

i guess the nice way of saying it is, i've been an uber bitch for the last three days. some people live for stress and just buckle down and get shit done, and some people react to stress like the incredible hulk, ripping their shirt off and taking down helicopters and whatnot.

me? i tend to zone out. it's not that i'm going to some special place in my mind it's just that i don't seem to function very well with stress. [see: ulcer] but i'm trying to be in the moment. even if the moment sucks.

were you saying something?

there was a story on cnn about how they [whoever they are] now have proof that high pitched sonar radio waves from the US navy are making whales beach themselves so quickly that they die of the bends.

i don't ever remember buying into the idea that whales are majestic creatures but someone must've gotten to me in my sleep because i think the beaching business is just horrid. if it were jellyfish, i'd say fuck 'em.

nobody likes jellyfish.

waxing - waning