must - just - be - the - colors

2003-10-10 - 11:58 a.m.

dear diary,

did you know that ladybugs have a very distinct odor that closely mimics the smell of a greasy ass?

i'm learning new things every day.

like how to write thirteen pages of bullshit about feminism in the nineteenth century. and why a doctor's bedside manner is not really a medical ethical dilemma.

and how to pull scabs off of my new breasts without creating major blood loss.

and how it's really interesting to be the youngest person in the gastroentologist's office.

and how i'm pretty sure i have arthritis in the middle finger of my right hand. possibly from overuse.

and how i've had three dreams now about donuts and if that's tied to sexual meanderings, than i really just need some sugar.

and how i've been chewing orbit bubblegum flavored bubblegum for a week before i realized the flavor is actually bubblemint.

and i'm having a love affair with the onion rings from culver's.

and fishing and studying at the same time actually increases... nothing.

but it's something to do.

waxing - waning