must - just - be - the - colors

2003-10-05 - 7:04 p.m.

dear diary,

so aside from me being a god, ladybugs, japanese beetles, and boxelder bugs have taken over my house.

they crawl through the cracks in the front door [you dumb fucking pioneers or settlers or whoever built this house in the beginning of the twentieth century- you suck, with your less than industrious and up to code building ethics] and then as the sun shifts throughout the day they migrate on the windows.

i have a serious bug phobia [and thank you weeme for the great pictures of the ENORMOUS spider which inevitably made my skin crawl for twenty minutes and now i'm itchy thinking about it] and it's funny you know, how people relate so quickly to you when you tell them you have a bug phobia.

but i actually avoided bathing for two weeks once because there was a line of ants in the bathroom and they were carrying eggs on their backs and it was so disgusting that i threw up and avoided the bathroom for awhile. i think i was about 19 at the time; regardless i know my mom was pleased to have me at her house four times a day for showers and bathroom necessities.

i can't take dumps in public, thanks for forcing that out of me diary.

anyway i buckled down and went and bought some bug spray and armed with it, i became the incredible hulk for a good fifteen minutes, before i realized that i would have to do the spraying jazz routinely... and not just the one time kills all deal.

so i've resolved myself into crying jags and random screams and squeals when i find a ladybug on my pants, or in my bra [swear to jeebus] or in my hair. i haven't decided which is worse, incidentally; hair vs bra.

so, i'm crazy.

but i find it interesting that when i'm screaming like a little bitch at random intervals, my dog trots in happily from the other room with a big grin on his face and his tail wagging in greeting.

because apparently, my dog is a sadist.

waxing - waning