must - just - be - the - colors

2003-08-03 - 1:04 p.m.

dear diary,

so he caught a fish last weekend. it was about 1 inch in length, height, width, etcetera. this is what we do on band downtime.

he was going to let it go, but i begged him to let me use it as bait.

i casted as hard as i could [note: i am not a terribly good fisherperson] and the hook landed about ten feet in front of me.

but the tiny 1 inch fish caught air and flew thousands or bazillions of miles and landed in the water.

i guess you had to be there.

don't you hate it when someone relays a story that holds no relevance or humor to you the listener, unless you were present?

but seriously diary, you just had to be there.

because like, there was another diary there, and he was talking mad shit about you.

i wonder if there are any corndogs left in the freezer.

waxing - waning